Join in Worship
While our worship is often described as “traditional,” it’s not formal. You’ll see worshippers wearing everything from suits and dresses to jeans. You’ll hear organ and piano music most Sunday. We use bulletins and hymnals to assist and guide our worship, but not to limit it!
You will also always hear prayers shared, the Scriptures read and linked to the challenges and opportunities in our daily lives.
Music is an important part of our worship both in congregational singing and responses, as well as in music sung by the choir. Typically musical selections are related thematically with Scripture readings and Sermons.
The Church Choir is led by Clay Howard, Director of Music and Church Organist. Normally the Choir practices on Wednesday evenings as 7 pm in the church sanctuary. For more information, contact Clay Howard through the church office.
Communion is shared normally in worship on the first Sunday of the month, as well as on other holy days. Communion at Corbin Presbyterian is open to all Christians, whether or not they are Presbyterian or formal members of our congregation.
Childcare is provided for infants and toddlers during worship in the nursery adjacent to the sanctuary.
Kid’s Events are held every other month for children, youth and their families. Kid’s Events feature a mission/outreach project, recreation and games, Bible stories, creative activities and a meal.